Consortech: Proud partner of three major players
in the geospatial industry
Safe Software is the world leader in the transformation, manipulation and integration of spatial data. Well known in the industry for years now, FME remains unrivalled at empowering organizations to extract valuable information from astronomical amounts of data. Learn more
Esri is the world leader in geographic information systems (GIS), location intelligence and mapping technology. Esri’s geospatial cloud is the most powerful on the market, helping customers unlock the full potential of their geospatial data. Learn more
Isogeo is a leader in GIS legacy management. Its unique cataloguing platform of geospatial data, with pick-and-mix modules and applications, promises optimal data visibility to any user. Learn more
A committed partner to the geomatics
We’ve amassed an impressive amount of knowledge over the course of our many projects, and nothing makes us happier than sharing it with others. We believe in giving back to the North American geomatics community, which is why we organize webinars, presentations and technical workshops and participate in events and conferences held by a number of organizations, such as URISA.