Handily solve
the many challenges of cadastral management
Speed up the creation and updating of the assessment parcels while making the most of your existing systems.
Our methodology has been tested on complex data and many different cases, and it has proven its efficiency and worth in several cities and territories. Manual interventions are kept to a minimum, and the use of open code makes you autonomous in your operations.
For up-to-date and high-quality assessment parcels
Meet the urgent challenge of producing modernized registers and make full use of your computing resources with a solution that keeps the full history of data.
The benefits are many:
- Customized solution that optimizes existing IT tools
- 24/7 data processing
- Automated project integration and cadastral updates in the GIS
- Manual interventions are reduced to a minimum
- Data quality validation
- Easier correction of detected errors
A rigorous and proven approach:
- Production of assessment parcels by municipality
- Implementation of the database schema
- Validation of the data and loading sequences
- Loading of existing cadastral records
Automate the creation and updating of your cadaster
with a tried-and-true, optimized solution.